Info For Parents
SPECIAL NOTE: Camp has installed a new gate at the top of the hill and just after you past the state gamelands. That gate will only be open at specific times. The gate is approximately a mile and a half from camp and prior arrangements outside of hours need to be made if you come at undesignated times.
1. Registration is from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. Note that all weeks begin on Sunday.
2. Please pick up your child by 9:30 AM on the following Saturday.
3. Parents are encouraged to write to their child while they are at camp. Address letters and cards to the camper at Camp’s address:
660 Camp Carmel Road
Dunbar, PA 15431
4. Camper fees for a week are $230. A first time camper is eligible for a $50 discount. Through generous donations of churches and individuals, we are able to keep this price low. Contributions are always welcomed and appreciated! Scholarships are available for those who need a sponsor.
5. For your information, our cost per camper for a week of camp is about $350. We have always attempted to keep registration fees within reach of the campers in our area. This is made possible by the financial support of our local churches. Contributions are always welcomed and appreciated!
6. You will be able to place money on the Camp Store Account for your child when you register at the camp. Any money left over will be refunded to the child at the end of the week. The store sells candy, pop, snacks and Camp Carmel items including T-shirts.
Note that there is a gate at the bike trail. If you arrive at camp at times other than drop off and pick up times the gate will be locked. In this case, you will need to walk into camp (about 100 yards) to ask a staff person to unlock the gate for you.